Jubilee Joy for Phil
V.W. Bro. Rod Bennison represented the R.W. P.G.M. at the installation meeting of Jubilee Mark Lodge No. 375 held at Ulverston Masonic Hall.
Rod Bennison, Phil Preston and Ray Dickinson
As he is not very good on his feet at present outgoing W.M. John Shepherd handed over the reins to his predecessor Ray Dickinson who performed the installation ceremony with some distinction.
back row –Rod Bennison, Mike Beesley, Ken Boon and Ray Dickinson, front John Shepherd and Phil Preston.
The new Master Phil Preston is well known both within the group and further afield. He is the D.C. of Newby Bridge Lodge No 4598 and is also the regional charity steward in the Craft.
seated Phil Preston with from left to right, Tony Nevinson, Stuart Cowburn,
Stuart Brackstone, Mike Southworth and Jim Richards.
A noted ritualist his verbal eloquence is also much in evidence in his role as a co-owner and sales director of Guy Perry (Peugeot) Ltd.
Rod had to “sing for his supper” being called upon to deliver the address to the Brethren which he did in fine style.
Phil presented Rod with a cheque for £375 in favour of the West Lancashire Mark Charity Fund.
Phil Preston and John Browne
John has proved to be an excellent ambassador for Jubilee Mark Lodge. He was praised for the effort he had put in when travelling to other lodges around the Bay, and further afield, as the face of the lodge during his year of office.
Jubilee Lodge appears to be in rude health with no less than 15 Mark Masons of the lodge being re-admitted following the actual installation. It bodes well for the future. Jim Richards and Tony Nevinson were invested as Senior and Junior Wardens respectively.
At the festive board Phil was presented with the “Travelling Keystone” by John Browne the W.M. of Furness Mark Lodge No. 36.
Adding further lustre to the occasion were a large number of Grand Officers including two Grand Stewards in the persons of Mike Beesley and Ken Boon along with Special Representative Stuart Brackstone.

Article and Photographs courtesy of Dave Sear